
My 2017

First of all I would like to thank God for allowing me to see the end to another year and bringing me through the year safely! Now this year of 2017 has been very interesting to say the least. Again, I have learnt some humbling yet much-needed life lessons in regards to different areas of my life.


First of all, I finished my Pharmacology MSc with a 1st and I still pinch myself that I even finished with that grade. People that know me personally would know how dejected I was after my undergraduate degree and even considered not doing a Masters in the first place but God had other plans. I am so glad I went through with it. Was it easy? Absolutely not but it has been oh so rewarding not only the academic side of it but also the fact I have made 2 additional lifelong friends that I never thought I would make (shout out to Yasmin and Kelly!) God was faithful all throughout to see me through to the end honestly especially in the tough times. So what next? Well, I am currently in the transitioning stage I would say where I am working at a job that I know is not in the career I want to go in whilst searching for the ideal research job. The process since finishing has been very up and down but mainly down as mentioned in my Trusting the Process post BUT again 2018 is a new year so I am hopeful for a new work to be done. Until then I will keep relying on God to pave the path for me!

My “Love” Life

Issa myth simply because there is an imbalance between what I want in a man and the kind of men in have been drawing. I can say I did well and stayed well away for the most part up until May then the madness began lol (see my Slip Ups 101: Lust and Me +Sex = Shenanigans post ). My decisions pertaining to me wanting to be in a relationship have resulted in me permanently cutting out an ex-friend because I ultimately feel that the friendship is beyond repair and no longer organic and genuine. Then some more wayward decisions on my behalf lead to more disappointment even though I saw the red flags. I deserve so much better than what I have endured relations with the opposite sex wise for the past 5 years. Enough is enough, there needs to be a change starting with sticking to my guns about red flags. I honestly honestly need to stop playing such games and taking such risks especially with temporary men. Even though this particular one hasn’t been cut off per se however issa no go area lol. For the sake of my faith, I need to be real with myself and start slowing them down if they are not trying to be on my wave with the whole abstinence thing. I can’t forever be compromising and pleasing my flesh for somebody that probably wouldn’t even compromise and get his faith up to be with me. Will I find it easy? Probably not but I firmly believe that all things are possible.

Embracing my Igbo Culture

2017 has been like the catalyst year of me getting more in tune with my Igbo roots and heritage. I don’t know what took me so long but I have been loving the process! I have started trying to speak more Igbo with my parents in general conversation and even in text messages lol but again 2018 I am striving to be fluent in Igbo. I have a few platforms and groups to thank and appreciate for this and I will link them all in this paragraph. Firstly, I am grateful to be a part of Okwu ID, a platform set up for young Igbo people in London to come together to discuss topics pertaining to Igbo culture. There is a YouTube channel and also a website so please feel free to have a look and even join! Secondly, ISCN hosted a 8 week Igbo class course which I attended between October to December. There is a beginner class and an intermediate class and honestly the beginners class alone has really encouraged me to keep practicing my Igbo until it is perfect. In addition to Igbo lessons, ICSN also host general meetings and events such as the Iri ji festival in order to promote Igbo culture. Again feel free to check them out. Also, for the ladies check out YIWA set up especially for young Igbo women as well xx

My Relationship With God

Overall my relationship with God is stable and I am in a position where I want to go even deeper next year. There have been several ups and downs during my walk this year from battling with being unable to forgive and holding on to offence and bitterness to the point of feeling like my heart was becoming hardened and I was behaving in a lukewarm manner. What I will say is that God has shown his love for me throughout all the different phases and trials I have faced this year and I am well and truly lost without Him. It’s amazing how He loves me regardless of my mistakes and how he continues to guide me and make the crooked paths straight when I have become lost and started to relying on my own strength and understanding. One thing that has kept me sane and in check is praise and worship. There is something about praising and worshipping in the good times and bad time that strengthens and encourages me to go on and not give up. Also, all the songs that God has placed in my heart have been an outlet for how I feel and just to simply record how in awe I am of God. I can’t wait for what God has in store for me next year and where exactly my walk with God will take me to!

I wish you all the best for 2018 and I can’t wait to go from strength to strength with God as my pilot in all that I need to do.

Love Chi xo

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