

10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

What are you doing with the potential God has placed in you?

Ephesians 2:10 states that we have been created to do good works that God already planned for us to do. So we have the potential to do what God has called us to do, we are already in a position to be qualified so what stops someone from reaching their full potential.

Let me be real, 2017 is a year where I want to actually achieve the goals I set out to do. I am making sure that I reach my full potential in ALL areas of my life especially my spiritual life and my walk with God. My walk with God is very serious to me and I will strive to reach the standard God requires me to reach not just for myself but for a fellow brother and sister. I want to stop procrastinating and sitting on the gift I have been given and share what God has placed on my heart. No longer will fear be a reason I hold myself back especially when I haven’t been given a spirit of fear BUT one of power. I can’t achieve and do great exploits if I’m resting on my laurels so I need to actively participate when trying to live my God-given purpose instead of passively spectateing others achieve their potential.

I have stressed in some of my previous devotional posts is comparison and keeping your eyes fixed on God. It is only Him that can provide you with the resources you need to reach your full potential. When your eyes are fixed on Him and you make yourself available to Him, then He will be able to work through you with His power like in Ephesians 3:20. It is important to come to the realisation that because God is able to do more than we can ask or think, no dream or vision is too hard for God. You cannot allow comparison and fear of doing something that others do be a reason for giving up halfway through. Let us not focus on what others may say and focus on what God has told you or given to you. If you don’t believe that you are important and God has a plan look into the Word so many promises are there for you to rest on when you feel a little weary. Comparing yourself will not help you in fact it will stagnate you so take your eyes of your neighbour and focus on your own journey!

It makes me realise that sometimes the stumbling block that can prevent you from reaching your full potential and goals is you! Sometimes you have to take the bold step in faith instead of sitting still with your faith but not doing any works. Something that has been on my heart is the fact that the body of Christ is one large unit that relies on each other for encouragement. When I put it into perspective, the gift God has given me can be the key to someone else’s heart being reconciled back to God. What you decide to unlock on the inside of you can be the key to someone else’s breakthrough or even testimony. If one person comes to God because of me I can’t lie that is a great feeling. There are times where you have to actively be an influence and pour into other people. He has given you the ability to carry out his good works it’s not our own works. We are his creation and handiwork and he planned our lives already way before our time. We are able because God is able. You have to believe the gift and greatness within you. No matter how small you may think your gift is that gift can bless somebody in ways you cannot even imagine.

It’s time to stop being passive about our walk with God and with the greatness He has placed inside of you. No two people’s journey and walk will be the same but the finish line we will meet with God as individuals and give an account for what we have done so aim to have a strong finish. I want to him say well done my good and faithful servant you have been faithful over the little I have given you. I know that I want to live this life here on earth with no regrets I don’t want to get to that fateful day where the Lord accounts all the things I have done but none of it was beneficial to the kingdom of God. Being still and strong in prayer whilst waiting on the Lord will help you to stay tuned to God as he begins to unlock that potential to its fullest in the way He requires it to be used.

Watch this space I am about to take some bold steps of faith this year and I pray that you all do the same as well. Comparison is the thief of joy. The joy of the Lord is your strength. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! Unlock that potential and greatness within you. Now go out and be an active participant in God’s kingdom

Love Chi xo


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