
What I Have Learnt From 2016

First of all I would like to thank God for allowing me to see the end to another year and bringing me through the year safely! As 2016 is drawing to a close I just wanted to share with you all a few things that have happened to me this year and ultimately some humbling yet much-needed life lessons.

Whilst I was working full-time at a pharmacy and living that newly graduate life occasional messages would pop into my spirit whilst on my lunch break hence I began doing a monthly devotional post on a theme that has stuck with me during each month (feel free to check out all posts are under the “Devotionals” tab on the home page). Something that has stuck a lot with me in the year of 2016 is keeping my eyes fixed on God no matter what season I am in because only He can equip me with the strength to overcome and transition into a new phase. This means not comparing my progress and situations to others but instead embrace my situation and realise that these things will only make me mature in my walk with God (James 1:2-4). Plus working at the pharmacy taught me a lot about how to be patient and develop my tolerance threshold to situations that may cause offence. I will not lie to you there were a lot of times I had to put the phone down when a patient was yelling at me to stop me from popping off (The Lord is still helping me with this but I have come a long long way trust and believe). Being slow to anger and leaning towards being more patient will be imperative for me during any ministry God has planned for me. I need to be available for my sake and for the sake of others the Lord needs me to impact. Dying to the flesh daily so that whatever the Lord needs to pour out to somebody is effective and authentic.

I have also started my Pharmacology MSc (whoop whoop!). The transition from full-time work to full time study was exciting I will not lie but the necessity of me to keep my eyes on God and chase after Him will always remain the same no matter where I go. If you know me personally than last year you would know that I was almost going to give up and not even bother applying because I graduated with a 2:2 but God had other plans clearly. The work level has intensified but with God’s guidance I have been able to handle it weirdly enough (Not by MY might or power oo). I feel so much more motivated to strive for the best and not settle for the bare minimum. Plus, I have returned home to Salem Hertfordshire! Again, it was God movement that even made this possible because I was determined not to join any societies or even be a part of Salem when I received my offer but again God had other plans! The fact that I am a choir leader again is making me take my walk with God even more seriously than ever before. Being in a position of leadership pushes me to be better not for myself but for the lovely members of the choir and campus fellowship. After my 1st stint in my final year I KNOW that there some things and attitudes that I can improve on to be an effective server to others. And I get to sing week in week out about my amazing God its honestly the best thing ever!!

Having said that going into 2017, I feel an urge in my spirit that I still need to be more active with my kingdom business. 2016 has made me realise that deep down I need to be an active participant and not a passive spectator. Whatever plan God has for me I know that it will come to pass BUT I still need to be more focused with any visions God gives me and to remember to do my part as a member in the body of Christ.

Wishing you all the best for 2017 and I can’t wait for this blog to go from strength to strength with God as my pilot.

Lots of love xo


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