Devotional, Uncategorized

Me, Myself and God

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant[a] of Christ.

Galatians 1:10 (ESV)

Let me tell you about some of the mind battles I have been facing this month!

The main gist of this month devotional is about the reason why I do the things I do am I doing to for public validation or am I doing it to please God? Kind of similar to Galatians 1:10 right

Basically, this all came about because as some of you may or may not know I love to sing. I mean when I sing there is an overwhelming feeling that it is something that I should make sure I keep doing wherever I go. Plus I am also at a point where I am still weighing up my future career options …. science or music. So this new app called Acapella came out last year and I like playing around on it with my favourite songs because I can do all of the harmonies and good stuff. From time to time, I may post videos on my instagram or twitter but I will keep it very real right now. I believe that God has given me my own voice that’s for me alone but then I fall into the comparison because I hear and see so many anointed and talented singers then I start to question am I there yet? Then I start to wonder and feel my heart beat faster when I press post “Post” because I am not sure whether I will get so and so likes and RTs. I love singing yet I get hesitant about sharing and investing in my gift because of approval and acknowledgement?

That right there is a problem! And then I hear a voice say “Jesus fix this thinking” because it’s totally wrong and silly of me. It made the reality check even sweeter when I read Galatians 1:10. Even as I am writing this post, this kind of thinking is almost a way of me questioning God and the gift He gave ME. What I need to understand and live by is the gift God has given me is for me to use as a ways serve Him and please him not to gain validation and recognition from man. Your talents will differ from other Christians but the God who supplies and empowers them is the same! (1 Corinthians 12:4-7). There is no room to imitate or try to be like anyone else because they are not the standard, Christ is! So I need to invest in my given gift and be faithful over the little I have been given like the two servants did in the Parable of the Talents and not be lazy/afraid like the last servant (Matthew 25:14-30). It’s not about me but about Him so saying that I ought to have eternity in mind when I am serving God using my gift.

Of course this isn’t only limited to just when you need to use your gift. In all that we as Christians are required to do, the reasoning behind us doing it should one way or another lead back to God. Whenever any seeds of doubt are planting in your mind especially when you have been called to do something remember that you have been called by God with a purpose and race plan in line for you and only you! You may need to share your gift in order to help and edify someone else. Just a small word of encouragement can go a long long way. Never forget that God fearfully and wonderfully made you that makes me feel like I am unique no one is like me and I cannot be like anyone else

As a Christian, it is important for me know the reason why I am living and doing the things I do. I am going to be held accountable for all that I have done and also all that I haven’t done and I certainly don’t want it to be a case that because of my pride/fear I didn’t do something God wanted me do in order to advance His kingdom. Do I want to conform and please the world or do I want to stand out and please God?


May you gives us an understanding of the fact that you have made us uniquely in order for your name to be glorified. I decree and declare that this spirit of comparison will be no more but instead we keep ourselves focused on pleasing you instead of seeking approval from man. You had a plan for us from before we were formed in the womb and I believe that you have started a good work in us therefore you will surely complete it. May fear no longer hold us back from pursuing what is right in your sight but may we instead living bodly spreading your good news to wherever it is you want us to go 

In Jesus name I pray



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