
A Woman’s Worth: Letter to the World

I am like a diamond in the rough

I may be rough around the edges

But I believe  with the precise final touches

My inner light will eventually be able to shine freely

However there are a few things I need to understand


If beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Does that mean whatever you choose to see

Will decide how you go about determining my beauty

The fact that my self respect can be judged on what I wear

I wonder what this beholder is truly seeing

Proverbs 31:25 tells me I should be clothed with strength and dignity

My Creator told me I should be clothed with strength and dignity

So I should wear strength on my sleeve

Put on my thick coat of dignity

In my heels I should walk in integrity

To get to the better version of me

So why would you try to stop me


Why would you sum me up by the clothes I wear

The shape of my eyebrows

Make assumptions on how I carry myself

Because of the way my midi dress caresses my shape

My Creator told me I should be clothed with strength and dignity

So how on earth can man try to define me

Word to India Arie

I am not my hair and I am not this skin

So how about you stop judging the outside

And get to know what is within

Always being objectified as a means of portraying “self respect”

When I already know I am chosen living stone

That may happen to be rejected by the world


You know what

No more being played and toyed with

No more of me second guessing my given worth for a quick thrill

I was constructed in the image of the Most High

If no man can see that then so be it

No more compromising my given authority to please another

That in the process of also pleasing myself I end up cheating on my Creator


So to all my beautiful rubies out there

Waiting for your inner light to shine

Please understand how much your worth

Never let anyone cause you to question it because you are precious

You are on your way towards the strong woman you are destined to be

Fearfully and wonderfully made and certainly not forgotten

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